Discrimination function of the proposed FTBFS battery according to indications Differentiation Analysis of Junior Swimming

Document Type : Original Article


1 Alexandria universtiy

2 faculty of spoet education alex university


This study aims to identify the most important physical tests through which it is possible to distinguish between the distinguished and the undistinguished from the infant swimming and to find a distinguishing function in terms of physical tests that can be used in predicting the level of swimming infant. The study sample was selected randomly through some clubs participating in the Republic Championship for Swimming Beginners, where the sample number was (41) junior swimmers. The researcher used the descriptive approach using the survey method. The results resulted in the standard parameter of excellence And the non-standard and the values of the constants of the discerning and non-discerning players that assess the current situation of the discerning and non-discerning players, in the light of which a guiding model for distinction and a differentiation model can be developed in the light of those measurements where the comparison is made and on the basis of which the guiding model is clear through the variables extracted as the results have resulted Defining the distinction function through which players can be predicted


Main Subjects