An educational booklet "QR-Code" as an entry point for an educational program accompanied by electronic tests supported by an informational return on knowledge achievement of some international law of weightlifting

Document Type : Original Article


1 Facility of physical education

2 Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods, Faculty of Physical Education - Tanta University


research aimed to: Building an educational program supported by a handbook with the technology of the "QR-Code" as an input to it and accompanies electronic tests supported by the informational world and knowing its effectiveness in: Achievement during some of the international law of weightlifting sports from the technology of the rapid response code "QR-Code" for students. The opinions and impressions of the students towards the educational program supported by a handbook with the technology of the “QR-Code” as an input to it and accompanied by the electronic test supported by the informational return. The experimental The method of using the presentation method is to sell the method used in the experimental method described in the preparation, using one group, and its shape was chosen by the intentional method, and thirty students were presented, the rationing sample of twenty from the community and from outside the original.The experimental treatment materials included “data collection methods and include (electronic cognitive achievement test supported by informational return through the rapid response code technology” QR-Code - a questionnaire for the opinions and impressions of students towards the educational program supported by a handbook with the technology of the rapid response code “QR-Code” as an entry and accompanying The electronic test supported by the informational return for the benefit of the approvers - the educational program - with the technology of the quick response code


Main Subjects