The effect of brain control patterns on some teaching competencies of the student-teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education in Alexandria."

Document Type : Original Article


1 Madient Sultan Qaboos

2 Faculty of Physical Education, Alexandria University


The study aimed to: Determine the patterns of brain control (right-left - integrated) and their effect on some of the teaching competencies of the student/teacher in the fourth year (Division of Education.) and to designing a standardized questionnaire to measure some of the teaching competencies of the study sample.. Descriptive approach adopted The study sample was intentionally chosen from the fourth-year students (Education Division) includes (30) female student/teacher taken their field study at middle and high schools in several educational departments in Alexandria. PBI brain preference test and teaching efficiency measurement form used as data collecting tools
• Right dominance pattern was superior to the left and the left was superior to the integrated one in some teaching competencies (personal competence and classroom management).
• Right dominance pattern outperformed the left, and integrated dominance was superior to the left in (lesson efficiency and evaluation).
• There is a superiority of right dominance over the left and the integrated over the left in (overall teaching competencies).
This proves the importance of studying brain control in the field of preparing a student/teacher


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