The attitudes of the students of the College of Sports Education towards blended education and its relationship to the level of ambition and educational competencies of the members of the teaching staff in light of the developments of the Corona pandemic

Document Type : Original Article


zagaziq university


The research aims to identify the relationship between the attitudes of the students of the College of Sports Education at the University of Zagazig towards integrated education and their level of ambition and the educational competencies of the members of the teaching staff From their point of view, in light of the developments of the Corona pandemic, the researcher used the descriptive method by the survey method, due to its suitability to the nature of this study. The research community consists of the students of the fourth year of the Faculty of Sports Education, girls of Zagazig University, in the second semester of 2019/2020, the number of (630) students, after excluding female students who have failed. The researcher concluded that there is a relationship between the trends towards blended education and the level of ambition among the female students of the College of Sports Education at Zagazig University, there is a relationship between the trends towards blended education and the educational competencies of the teaching staff of the female students of the College of Sports Education at the University of Zagazig, there is a relationship between the level of ambition and the educational competencies of members The teaching staff for the female students of the Mathematical Education College of Zagazig University.


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