The reality of students' Attitudes Towards E-learning using synchronized virtual classrooms on Cognitive Achievement Course for the Javelin Throwing competition In light of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Physical Education and Sports, College of Basic Education, Kuwait.


The research aimed to identify the attitudes of students towards E-learning using synchronized virtual classrooms, attitudes towards cognitive achievement course for the Javelin Throwing competition and reality of E-learning using synchronized virtual classrooms on cognitive achievement course for the Javelin Throwing competition In light of the Coronavirus Pandemic competition.
The researchers used the descriptive method, on a sample consisted of (110) students from Department of Physical Education and Sports, College of Basic Education, Kuwait, (20) students were excluded to conduct an exploratory experiment on them, so that the basic research sample became (90) students, data collection tools were High intelligence test - A questionnaire for measuring the attitudes of students towards synchronized virtual classrooms - A questionnaire for measuring the attitudes of students towards the course of the Javelin Throwing competition - cognitive achievement test, and the researcher used the following statistical treatments: - arithmetic mean - standard deviation - median - coefficient of skewness - simple correlation coefficient - Alpha Cronbach coefficient - chi- square test - "T" test.
results were:
1- The Corona pandemic and social spacing procedures have a major role in Encourage students to deal with the E-learning despite the availability before the Corona virus crisis appears.
2- Students' answers tend to approve the easily dealing with e-learning tools in follow-up to explain the course and respond to questionnaires.
3- E-learning increased the level of academic and Cognitive Achievement and did not affect academic rates.
4 - There is a general satisfaction towards students' E-learning experience.


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