Digital transformation mechanisms and digital competencies for students In light of the Corona pandemic

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of physical Education for girls. Helwan university


The faculty from unifying their contacts and preparing classrooms in a way that contributes to the formation of a modern learning environment for students. The researcher, through her work as a faculty member and academic advisor in the postgraduate stage, noticed the weakness of the competencies needed for e-learning among female students in the undergraduate and postgraduate stages, as learning through modern technologies requires a high level of competencies. The knowledge and technology enables them to quickly and independently access new knowledge, information and skills in light of the research objective and the method used, and within the limits of the sample, the researcher reached the following conclusions:
1- There are mechanisms for spreading and applying digital transformation among students of the Faculty of Physical Education, ranging between medium and high level.
2-There are mechanisms to activate digital citizenship among students of the College of Physical Education.
3- The digital competencies of the students of the College of Physical Education range between medium and high level.


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