The effectiveness of active learning through guided discovery in cognitive achievement and the performance of some volleyball skills for middle school students.

Document Type : Original Article


School Sports Department - Boys College of Physical Education, Babu Qir - Alexandria University


The effectiveness of active learning through guided discovery in cognitive achievement and the performance of some volleyball skills for middle school students.
The study aimed to know the effectiveness of active learning by discovery directed in the cognitive achievement and performance of some volleyball skills for middle school students. The dimension of the two groups is based on a sample of (40) students from the second year of middle school, and the sample was divided into two groups, each group (20 students). The researcher concluded that active learning through directed discovery led to an increase in the level of cognitive achievement in volleyball skills (scrolling from the top - scrolling) From the bottom of the movement - the transmission from the bottom facing), which affected the improvement of their performance in these motor skills under study. It was more effective than the traditional learning strategy (commands) of the control group, and after reviewing the previous results, the researcher recommends using the active learning method with the guided discovery strategy. Teaching volleyball skills to second-grade middle school pupils in Alexandria Governorate, as it has proven its effectiveness, and wages Some studies and research similar to this study for other sports activities


Main Subjects