The Effect of The Corona Pandemic And The Suspension of Sports Activity on Some Physical And Physiological Variables Among Female Students of Sports Sciences at Taif University

Document Type : Original Article


Taif University - Saudi Arabia


The study aimed to identify the impact of the Corona pandemic and the cessation of sports activity on some functional and physical variables of female students of sports sciences at Taif University, and the researcher used the semi-experimental approach using the experimental design of an experimental group by means of pre and dimensional measurements to suit the nature of the research, and the researcher chose the research sample from students of the Department of Science Sports at Taif University, where the basic sample consisted of (40) students from the Department of Sports Sciences at Taif University who were attending the fourth level, while the survey study sample was (20) students from outside the basic research sample, and one of the most important results was that the repercussions of the Corona pandemic and the complete closure in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia caused In reducing the activity of female students of the Department of Sports Sciences at Taif University, which led to a decrease in their physical and physiological level, and the researcher recommended developing a future plan for home training activities in light of the continuation of distance education and the difficulty of natural sports practice and that the athletic level of the students must be maintained in pursuit of the best physical sports performance


Main Subjects