The effect of a recreational program using small games to provide some basic skills for fencing and psychological well-being for students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Kafr El Sheikh University

Document Type : Original Article


Kafr El Sheikh University


The research aims to identify the effect of the recreational program by using small games in providing psychological well-being and some basic skills in the sport of fencing among students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Kafr El-Sheikh University, and the two researchers used the experimental method to suit the nature of this research, and the research was conducted on a sample of female students. The second at the Faculty of Physical Education, Kafr El-Sheikh University for the academic year (2020-2021 AD), which consists of (60) female students, with a percentage of (20%) of the research community.Your search results have resulted in:
1- That the proposed recreational program using small games has a positive effect on providing the axes of psychological well-being (the goal of life - self-acceptance - independence - positive relationships - personal maturity - control of the environment) for students of the Faculty of Physical Education (under discussion)
2- That the proposed recreational program using small games has a positive effect on acquiring basic skills in fencing sport (the pause of readiness - moving forward - retreating back - straightening the armed arm - the extroverted movement "stabbing") for students of the Faculty of Physical Education (under discussion)


Main Subjects