The function of social media platforms in facilitating the supervision process and obstacles to field training for students of the College of Physical Education.

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of physical education/gzira/ helwan university


The function of social media platforms in facilitating the supervision process and obstacles to field training
for students of the College of Physical Education
D/Manal Talaat

This study aims to identify the function of social media platforms in facilitating the process of supervision and field training obstacles for students of the College of Physical Education for Girls.The study sample consisted of 102 students of the third year, and the descriptive approach was followed, and the researcher used a questionnaire of her design that includes 8 axes, and each axis included approximately 20 paragraphs.A questionnaire was distributed to the students on the social networking site, and they were informed of the link on the site and through the responses of the students, a statistical analysis of all the axes was made, and they were reached to The social networking site has a great role in facilitating the process of educational supervision in field training. There are obstacles that still face female students of Physical Education at Helwan University in field training, and they must be dealt with quickly and decisively. The most severe of them is choosing the appropriate type of lesson for the school stage, and the least severe is that The school administration cancels physical education classes without referring to you, and the researcher recommended the need to pay attention to dealing with students through the social networking site more broadly due to its great importance in dealing with all problems in field training quickly.


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