Meta-analysis of learning difficulties research in the light of educational outputs.

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education For Men Alexandria University


Search aim: The aim of the research is to use the dimension analysis method in studies and research of learning difficulties in the light of the educational outputs (cognitive achievement, psychotropic aspects, emotional goals, fitness elements)
Curriculum used: Analytical descriptive approach, which is based on the use of the method of Meta-analysis
Research Sample and Characteristics: 44 study and research in the field of learning difficulties, provided that the study contains the basic data and (target educational outputs, diagnostic tests, therapeutic program, methodology used, sample and number, sex, age, duration of the program and place of application). Scientific or master's or doctoral degree.
The most important results:
1-Meta-analysis showed the lack of studies on the treatment of developmental learning difficulties and their impact on motor learning in physical education difficulties?
2-The interest of researchers in the achievement of Cognitive Achievement as a result of learning outcomes in research aimed at the treatment of developmental learning difficulties.
3-The interest of researchers in the treatment of learning difficulties through the program of cognitive behavioral therapy and neglect of motor programs and its primary role in the treatment of learning disabilities.
4- The scarcity of research using Meta- analysis in the study and analysis of the results of research difficulties learning as well as educational outputs.

Main Subjects