The effect of three-dimensional educational models on spatial ability and the level of performance of the front somersault on the vault

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education Sadat City University


Search aim: Instructional design of specialized three-dimensional models and identify its impact on spatial ability and the level of performance of the front somersault on vault for students in the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Sadat City.
Curriculum used: The researchers used the descriptive approach to the design of the three-dimensional models, and the experimental approach using the pre-post-experimental experimental design of the control and experimental groups to test the model’s effect.
Research Sample and Characteristics: The sample was randomly selected from the fourth group of students at the Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Sadat City. The number of students was 60, with 55.05% of the research community. They were randomly divided into two groups, experimental and controlled. Thus, the sample of the basic and exploratory study included 80 students with 73.39% of the study population.
The most important results:
- There were differences in the improvement rates between the mean of the two dimensional measures of the experimental and control groups in the spatial ability, and the level of performance of the front somersault on vault for the Faculty of Physical Education students and for the benefit of the experimental group. The improvement rates were as follows: spatial capacity (33.29) %), And the performance of the skill of the front somersault on the (13.18%).
- There is a statistically significant correlation between the level of spatial ability and the level of performance of the front somersault on vault. The higher the level of spatial capacity of the students, the higher the skill level of the skill in question.

Main Subjects