The effectiveness of using the seven-stage constructivist learning strategy on the level of learning some skills

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of physical education port said


Search aim: The research aims to identify the effectiveness of using the seven-stage constructivist learning strategy on the level of learning some basic skills for beginners in hockey (under research) for students of the second year at the Faculty of Physical Education, Port Said University.

Curriculum used: Experimental method

Research Sample and Characteristics:
The research community is represented by the students of the second year at the Faculty of Physical Education, Port Said University for the academic year 2018/2019, who numbered (189) students. In the exploratory study, the basic sample size for the research became (60) students, and they were divided into two equal groups (experimental group and control group), each consisting of (30) students.

The most important results:

1. The followed program, whose philosophy depends on the explanation and the performance of the model, contributed in a positive way to improving the level of performance of some basic skills for beginners in hockey in the control group.
2. The seven-stage constructivist educational program contributed in a positive way to improving the performance level of some basic hockey skills for beginners in the experimental group.
3. The experimental group using (seven-stage constructivist learning) outperformed the control group, which was subjected to the educational program followed by explaining and performing a model in the level of performance of some basic skills for beginners in hockey.


Main Subjects