The effect of using cognitive trips via the web (Web Quest) on improving the performance level of some field hockey skills

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of physical education for girls , Zagazig universty


The research aims to identify the effect of using cognitive trips via the Web (Web Quest) on improving the performance level of some field hockey skills for students of the Faculty of Physical Education Girls at Zagazig University. The researcher used the experimental approach using the experimental design of two groups, one experimental and the other control. A student as a basic sample of female students specializing in fourth division tennis games at the Faculty of Physical Education Girls, Zagazig University, and they were divided into two groups, one experimental and the other control, each of them (15) students. Cognitive via the Web (Web Quest) has a statistically significant positive effect on the performance of some field hockey skills (pushing skill - jogging skill - ball chambers skill - flat face hitting skill), and statistically significant differences were found between the pre and post measurements of the control group In all skill tests (ball rolling skill - dribbling skill - ball chambers skill - flat face hitting skill) and the cognitive test for the benefit of the The most important recommendation was the necessity of using cognitive trips via the Web (Web Quest) in learning field hockey skills, as the results of this study showed that there is a statistically significant positive effect on the level of skill and cognitive performance of the students of the Faculty of Physical Education Girls at Zagazig University


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