Spiritual intelligence and its relationship to psychological exhaustion and internal drive for achievement among athletes at Minia University (a comparative study)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education - Minia University


The current research aims to identify the relationship between spiritual intelligence and psychological exhaustion among players of collective and individual sports teams at the University of Minya, and to identify the relationship between spiritual intelligence and achievement motivation among players of collective and individual sports teams at Minia University, and to identify the differences between players of collective and individual sports teams at Minia University in Spiritual intelligence, psychological exhaustion and achievement motivation. The researcher used the descriptive method, the method of survey studies, for its suitability to achieve the goal of the research. The research community includes the players of the Minya University teams in group and individual sports in the academic year 2020/2021, whose number is (95) players, and the researcher selected a random sample of (95) 60) A player with a percentage of 63.25% of the research community, and the most important results indicated that the higher the level of spiritual intelligence, the more players are less prone to psychological exhaustion, and the higher the level of spiritual intelligence, the greater the players' sense of enjoying exercise and their sense of perceived competence and effort. The researcher recommends the need to conduct many Research and studies dealing with spiritual intelligence and its relationship Some psychological variables.


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