The effect of strategy using differentiated education on developing cognitive achievement and learning some basic soccer skills for primary school pupils in Sohag Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education- Sohag University


The current research aims to identify the effect of using the differentiated education strategy on developing cognitive achievement and the level of performance of some basic skills in football for elementary school students in Sohag Governorate. The two groups, the research sample was chosen by the deliberate method for (70) students in the fifth grade of primary school in Al-Galaa School in Sohag Governorate, and they were divided by (20) students for the exploratory study and (50) students for the basic study (the experimental group number (25) students and the control group number 25 (pupil), The content of educational units for soccer skills was distributed over (6) weeks with (11) lessons at the rate of two units per week, and the proposed educational units (differentiated education) were used with the members of the experimental group, and the instruction learning method was used (verbal explanation and practical model) ) With members of the control group, and the most important results were that the use of differentiated education positively affects cognitive achievement and the level of performance of some soccer skills (under discussion).


Main Subjects