The effectiveness of using participatory learning through the Microsoft Teams platform on cognitive achievement, teaching skills and student attitudes in the course on methods of teaching physical education in light of the Egypt Vision 2030.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Sports education

2 sports education

3 sportseducation


The aim of the research is to identify the effectiveness of using participatory learning through the Microsoft Teams platform on cognitive achievement, teaching skills and student attitudes in the course of teaching methods for students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Damietta University, in light of Egypt's 2030 vision. The two researchers used the Microsoft Teams platform, the academic achievement test (design of the two researchers), the teaching skills note card (the two researchers' design), a measure of the trend towards a course on methods of teaching physical education.The electronic provision of digital education to students in the teaching methods course and helped in achieving some of the goals of Egypt Vision 2030. Participatory learning contributes to making educational platforms more effective and positive.
The researchers recommend the following recommendations: Holding training courses for faculty members to train them on how to use Microsoft Teams in teaching and the new platforms. Paying attention to the use of participatory methods and strategies across educational platforms instead of being satisfied with the traditional presentation method. Utilizing participatory learning in teaching other courses through educational platforms.


Main Subjects