The strategy of cooperative educational pillars as an entrance to an educational program supported by electronic chat rooms in learning the two lessons of “snatch– clean and jerk” for students of the Faculty of Physical Education.

Document Type : Original Article


Facility of physical education


The strategy of cooperative educational pillars as an entrance to an educational program supported by electronic chat rooms in learning the two lessons of “snatch– clean and jerk” for students of the Faculty of Physical Education. The research aimed to: Build an educational program supported by electronic chat rooms, using the cooperative educational support strategy as an input, and knowing its impact on the level of cognitive achievement for the two raises, the level of the form of technical performance for the two, raises - the learners’ opinions and impressions about the educational program supported by electronic Chat rooms and the use of the cooperative educational pillars strategy as an input in learning two lifts "under research. The experimental method is due to its relevance to the nature of the research using the tribal and dimensional measurements using one group, and the basic sample was chosen by the intentional method and its number was (30) thirty students, and the legalization sample was used on the number(20)twenty students from the original community and from outside the original sample. The experimental materials included: Means of data collection include (anthropometric measurements, physical abilities measurements, assessment of the level of the technical performance form, cognitive achievement test through the cooperative electronic educational supports strategy, students opinions and impressions form towards the cooperative electronic educational supports strategy and the proposed educational program - the educational program .


Main Subjects