Effect of a Proposed Training Program for Referees on Mindfulness and their Refereeing Performance in Weightlifting

Document Type : Original Article


1 Sports Training Department, Faculty of Physical and Sports Education, Damietta University

2 Psychology Department Faculty of Physical Education - Damietta University


Research AIM: Identify the effect of using a proposed training program on the level of mental alertness and its effect on the level of arbitration performance in the sport of weightlifting.
Research Method: The experimental method used with one group design. The sample was chosen by purposive way, consisting of (6 referees) registered with the Egyptian Weightlifting Federation for the season 2021/2022. The experimental group was subjected to the proposed training program for a period of (8 weeks) at a rate of (3 units) per week during the training unit (90 minutes), a measure of vigilance was used. Mentality, level of association/integration by using the lancet, and the refereeing performance rate of referees by preparing continuous arbitration sessions (for 18 players x 3 attempts = 54 attempts) and calculating the rate of correct decisions (by dividing the number of correct decisions by the total number of decisions multiplied by 100).
Conclusions: The proposed training program led to an improvement in the level of mental Mindfulness by 57.36%, as well as the level of integration by 80.34%, and this was reflected in the arbitration performance rate by an improvement of 34.76%, as well as a positive relationship between the three variables.


Main Subjects