The effect of the e-participatory education strategy using the Zoom technique on the performance level of some basic skills and cognitive achievement in boxing for first-year students at the Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University

Document Type : Original Article




The effect of the e-participatory education strategy using the Zoom technique on the performance level of some basic skills and cognitive achievement in boxing for first-year students at the Faculty of Physical Education, Benha UniversityUniversityThe rapid progress in all the different fields of development in the educational process, has revealed modern ideas, theories and methods in the field of learning, where we find that the types of education is what is obtained through experience and creation and the motivation of the learner to search for information by himself and create it from its multiple sources Where the world is now witnessing a huge revolution in technology and broad scientific progress, so that competition between countries is based mainly on scientific and technological capabilities and capabilities, so it was necessary for the Arab nation to unite and awaken its activity and scientific thought in the battle of scientific progress in order to be able to keep pace with that huge technological revolution Where the world is now witnessing a huge revolution in technology and wide scientific progress, so that competition between countries is based mainly on scientific and technological capabilities and capabilities, so it was necessary for the Arab nation to unite and awaken its activity and scientific thought in the battle of scientific progress in order to be able to keep pace with that huge technological revolution


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