The effect of cardio training on some physiological variables, and the level of performance of compound offensive kicks for Taekwondo players.

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Water Sports and Battles, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Zagazig University


The researcher conducted a study aimed at identifying the effect of cardio training on some physiological variables and the level of performance of compound offensive kicks for Taekwondo players. The Taekwondo Team - Zagazig University for the academic year 2020/2021 AD, and the program implementation period lasted (8) weeks, with (3) training units per week. To raise the level of the complex offensive skills of the female players, and the researcher recommended the need to be guided by cardio exercises when training taekwondo players, which contribute effectively to improving and developing physiological and skill variables. Activity and physical abilities occupy the broad and basic base to reach good skill performance, where the level of sports skills stops In general, the player has those abilities related to skill, and the sports format is the highest rate of development of the player’s training status, where the player reaches it after a long and successive period of training programs and plans based on the foundations and principles of sports training, as the application of these programs and plans ensures a rise in The level of the training status and the achievement of the sports formula.


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