The effect of using the cooperative learning strategy on developing the cognitive achievement of gifted students with learning difficulties in football

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education- Sohag University

2 sohag


The effect of using the cooperative learning strategy on developing the cognitive achievement of gifted students with learning difficulties in football
Dr. Mustafa Zagloul Kobeisy (*)
Dr. Walid Sayed Hussein (**)
The research aims to identify the effect of using the cooperative learning strategy in developing the cognitive achievement of gifted students with learning difficulties in football. The two researchers used the experimental approach. Due to its relevance to the nature of the research using the experimental design of two groups (experimental and control) using the tribal and remote measurements for both groups, the researchers selected the research sample in a deliberate way for a number (75) of talented students in football in the first year, Faculty of Physical Education - Sohag University They were divided into (15) students for the exploratory study and (60) students for the basic study, where they were distributed by (30) students for the experimental group (using the cooperative learning strategy) and (30) students for the control group (using the traditional method of teaching). The content of the educational units for soccer skills was distributed over (8) weeks with (16) lessons, two units per week. control group The most important results were that there are statistical differences between the mean scores of the two dimensional measurements for each of the group (experimental and control) in the cognitive achievement of football in favor of the dimensional measurement of the experimental group.


Main Subjects