The mental image of governmental and private sports channels and their role in shaping the attitudes of individuals "a comparative study"

Document Type : Original Article


sports management - faculty of physical education for girls - zagazig city - ash sharqia governorate - egypt


Sports media is a reflective mirror in spreading sports culture and developing awareness among members of society. The sports media is one of the main foundations in any media apparatus, as sport has become an important social and civilized phenomenon in modern societies, and therefore the sports media in the world has received great attention and abundant care by all media.
The researcher chose the basic and exploratory research sample in a random way from the followers of governmental and private sports channels (secondary students, university youth, employees and intellectuals who frequent sports clubs and social clubs in Sharkia Governorate). An individual with a percentage of (5.7%) of the total research sample to conduct the exploratory study on them, and thus the basic research sample becomes (820) individuals with a percentage of (94.3%) of the total research sample..
The researcher believes that through the presentation and discussion of the two research tools, it was possible to conclude that there are differences between government sports channels and private channels in favor of private channels, which explains the tendency of viewers and followers to follow private sports channels as a natural product because there is a good mental image of these channels.


Main Subjects