The perceived value of the brand and its relationship to the spoken word of the swimming academies in the youth sports cities.

Document Type : Original Article




The aim of the current research is to identify the perceived value of the brand and its relationship to the spoken word in the light of promoting the services of swimming academies (entertainment – educational – training – competitions) in youth and sports cities in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the researcher used the descriptive approach, the survey method to suit the nature of the research and included the research community.On the beneficiaries of youth and sports cities services in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the basic research sample consisted of (504) individual beneficiaries of the services of swimming academies in youth and sports cities from (5) govemorates (Red Sea – Port Said – Damietta –Cairo – Alexandria), this is in contrast to the exploratory sample The number of (50) individuals from the consumers of swimming academies services in youth and sports cities, were randomly selected from outside the basic research sample and representative of the research community. In sports youth cities and using scientific transactions, calculating the honesty coefficient, the researcher relied on the use of in the opinion of the experts, in order to determine the appropriateness of the questionnaire's phrases and axes, the researcher used the internal consistency validity to calculate the validity of the questionnaire's axes and phrases by finding the correlation coefficients between the phrases and its axes. Emphasizing the importance of the spoken word and its role in the quality and credibility of customers


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