The effect of a social sports program on social competence and some Behavioral deviations among children of residential institutions in Zagazig

Document Type : Original Article


Zagazig univirsty


The research aimed to design a proposed social and sports program for the children of the Social Welfare Institution for Orphans in Zagazig City, in order to identify the impact of the social sports program on social competence (relationships with others - assertiveness - obedience - self- management) and some behavioral deviations, and the researcher used the experimental approach on a sample of (22 ) children from the Social Welfare Institution for Orphans in Zagazig city from (10-12) years, and they were divided into two groups, one experimental and the other controlling, each of (11) children. The proposed socio-mathematics, and among the statistical methods used: arithmetic mean - standard deviation - median - skew coefficient - Simple correlation coefficient - T-test - percentage improvement.
Among the most important results:
1- The proposed social sports program has a positive, statistically significant effect at the 0.05 level on the dimensions of social competence (relationships with others - assertiveness - obedience - self-management) and alleviation of some behavioral deviations (aggression - rioting - rebellion and stubbornness - lying) for children of the social welfare institution For
orphans in Zagazig from (10-12) years old.
2- The usual program followed with the members of the control group has a positive, non-significant, positive effect on the dimensions of social competence and in alleviating the behavioral deviations of the children of the Social Care Institution for Orphans in Zagazig city from (10-12) years


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