The effect of athletics competitions program in the physical education lesson on some physical abilities and bullying behavior of preparatory stage students

Document Type : Original Article


1 helwan university

2 Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods , Faculty of Physical Education, Al Jazeera, Helwan University


The research aims to identify the effect of athletics competitions program in the physical education lesson on some physical abilities (muscular ability - muscular strength - transitional speed - agility) and reduce the bullying behavior level for preparatory school students. The researchers used the experimental method by designing pre and post measurement for one experimental group, due to its suitability with the research nature.

The research sample was chosen by the purposive method from the first year preparatory school students (A-C), and their number is (25) students, divided into (18) students as an experimental group and (7) students as an exploratory group.
The researchers used the documents analysis represented in student records, data collection form, expert opinion survey form to determine the best physical ability tests, as well as expert opinion survey form on the athletics program appropriateness for the research sample. Finally the bullying behavior scale for children and adolescents (prepared by Magdy Mohamed El-Desouky).
The research most important results is that the athletics competitions program is effective to improve physical abilities in a competitive atmosphere intervened by fun and teamwork, which led to an improvement in the bullying behavior level among preparatory school students.

Therefore, the researchers recommend the necessity of adopting the athletics program in the physical education curricula for different school stages and the program adoption by the Curricula and Teaching Physical Education Methods Department because of its positive impact on developing physical abilities and reducing the bullying behavior level in the physical education lesson.


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