The agmeinted reality for learning some of the basic movements in modern dance for children with intellectual disabilities.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Phsical education for girls

2 Prof. Phsical education for girls

3 Physical education for girls


One of the most important needs of a mentally handicapped child is to make him aware that the differences between him and normal children are small, by providing an appropriate opportunity to participate effectively and successfully in team play and participate to the fullest extent of their abilitiesRecently, augmented reality (augmented reality) applications have evolved so that users can interact with augmented reality (augmented reality) to support learning materials using personal computers and mobile phones, such as small digital devices. The technology has become available, is more practical, and problems of application and higher costs are less complicated (22:163-174)The importance of the teacher's use of augmented reality technology for teaching modern dance skills to disabled children, and modern dance is a creative and creative art that expresses a certain idea.One of the important problems facing societies is caring for persons with disabilities who have special needs, since a society does not have a significant proportion of its members, and those who face life have one or more types of disabilities that render them less capable of fulfilling their roles in society in an acceptable manner than ordinary persons.


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