The effect of recreational educational games on the knowledge achievement of some English terms in sports education lesson

Document Type : Original Article


1 Learning and education

2 Faculty of Physical Education


Research Title

The effect of recreational educational games on the knowledge achievement of some English terms

in sports education lesson

The research aims to identify the impact of recreational educational games on the development of skill movements and cognitive achievement of some English terms in the physical education lesson for first graders. The researcher used the experimental method due to its suitability to the nature of the research, and the researchers used one of the experimental designs, which is the experimental design for one experimental group, and that due to the nature of the research

The research community is represented by students of the first grade of primary school in the Department of Desouk Educational Department of the Directorate of Education in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate at Wahida Shabas Primary School, where the sample amounted to (48) students from the students of the first grade of primary school, and the number of students within the experimental group for research reached (20) students in addition to (20) Twenty students were sampled for the exploratory study and (8) were excluded

The researchers reached to the recreational educational games used in the physical education lesson that have an effective impact on the students’ acquisition of some English terms and motor skills.

Keywords / recreational educational games, sports recreation, methods and methods of teaching physical education


Main Subjects