“The effect of Method French Contrast on some special physical and biochemical variables and the effectiveness of the skill performance of judo players.”

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Combat and Individual Sports, Faculty of Physical Education - Tanta University.


This research aims to design a proposed training program using differentiated training in the French way to know its effect on each of:

1- Some special physical abilities (strength characterized by the speed of the legs and arms - motor speed - periodic respiratory endurance - agility - neuromuscular compatibility) among judo players.

2- Some biochemical variables (lactic acid - dehydrogenase enzyme - beta-endorphin) among judo players.

3- Effectiveness of the skill performance of judo players

The research sample was chosen in a deliberate way from judo players under (18) years old and enrolled in Ghazl El-Mahalla Sports Club in Gharbia Governorate, and registered in the Egyptian Judo Federation in the 2021/2022 training season.

The most important results were:

1- The differentiated training program in the French method has a positive, statistically significant effect at the level of 0.05 on the physical abilities (muscular ability of the legs and arms - motor speed - periodic respiratory endurance - agility - neuromuscular compatibility) among judo players.

2- The differentiated training program by the French method showed a positive, statistically significant effect at the 0.05 level on the biochemical variables (lactic acid - dehydrogenase enzyme - beta-endorphin) among judo players.

3- The differentiated training program by the French method showed a positive, statistically significant effect at the 0.05 level on the effectiveness of the skill performance of judo players.


Main Subjects