The effectiveness Of Aerobic program On some bio variables As A indicator to reduce Of Alzheimer Disease Progression

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Health Sciences - Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Alexandria University


The research aims to study the effectiveness of the aerobic program on some bio variables as an indicator to reduce the progression of Alzheimer's disease in the research sample by identifying the effect of the a aerobic program on each of (1) the physiological indicators, (2) the biochemical indicators, (3) the cognitive abilities .The researcher used the experimental method using the pre and post measurement of one experimental group due to its suitability to the nature of the research. The research sample was intentionally chosen from those who suffer from moderate cognitive impairment. The research sample was (10), (1 man and 9 women). The researcher conducted pre-measurements on the research sample represented in Physiological variables, cognitive abilities, biochemical variables. The aerobic program was applied for a period of three and a half months and 3 weekly training units. After that, the researcher conducted the post measurements and processed the results statistically. The researcher reached the following Conclusions : an increase in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, white blood cells. A relative decrease in platelets. An improvement in the level of blood sugar, a decrease in the level of cortisol, increase in vitamin B12 and vitamin D, an increase in the cognitive abilities, Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommends the following: The application of the aerobic program on Alzheimer's patients reduces the progression of Alzheimer's disease,


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