The effect of some popular games on the severity of bullying among middle school students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of physical education , halwan university

2 Faculty of physical Education for girls , Cairo, Helwan University

3 Faculty of physical education for girls, Helwan University


Provided :

Folk games are one of the most important types of folk arts for any nation of nations more than some think when they first look at them. It is the oldest manifestation of human activity and is the first form of human activity. It is an echo of his emotions and the exhibition of his pleasures and joy and is a reflection of the image of life.

It is known that the popular games that were practiced by the ancient Egyptians were associated with religious rituals and ceremonies of his assumption of power has been mentioned on the walls of one of the tombs of "Ben Hassan" in Minya that any prince was not crowned and does not assume the reins of power only after performing some games of skill such as hunting, hunting, shooting, swimming, wrestling and other games (9:305)

The pictures and drawings found on the walls of temples, especially the tombs of "Ben Hassan" indicated that the pharaohs were pleasant to witness sports matches from the balconies of their palaces and that the princes were underestimated by enthusiasm sometimes go down some of them to the arena matches to be close to the competitors and encourage them with words of encouragement and congratulations.


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