The feasibility of using the circular house strategy in learning some motor skills in a physical education lesson

Document Type : Original Article


1 Helwan university

2 Helwan University

3 faculty of sports eduacation-Gezeera-helwan


The research aims to find out the effectiveness of using the circular house strategy at the level of Skillful performance In the lesson of physical education, by identifying: - The effect of using the circular house strategy on the level of physical education Skillful performance For middle school students, the researcher used the experimental method With an experimental design for one experimental group, due to its suitability to the nature of the research, the research community included female students of the sixth intermediate grade from Umayya bin Qais Intermediate School for Girls for the academic year 2021/2022 AD, whose number was (135) students. The research sample was chosen by the intentional method, and they numbered (30) students from the sixth intermediate grade students for the academic year 2021/2022 AD “the first semester.” (30) students were chosen as a basic sample, in addition to (10) students as a reconnaissance sample. The results showed the following: The contribution of the circular house strategy to a level improvement Skillful performance For the members of the experimental group, and one of the most important recommendations is to put the proposed instructional units using the circular house strategy into practice on the specialty of teaching basketball due to its effectiveness on the level of performance skillful.


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