Reality of Indoor And out door sports Activity at the basic education stage ( from the point of view of physical education teachers )

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education for Girls at Cairo - Helwan University


Reality of indoor and outdoor sports activity at the basic education stage ( from the point of view of physical education teachers)
The research aims to identify: the extent of practicing indoor sports activity, outdoor sports activity from the point of view of physical education teachers), the researcher used the descriptive (survey) B to suit the nature of the research by designing a questionnaire form to know the reality of indoor and out door activity in the basic education stage, the researcher chose the research sample in the way random , and the basic research sample reached (60) teachers of physical education, and it was chosen in the intentional way, and the results of the study resulted in the design of the reality of the reality of indoor and outdoor activities containing (6) axes, which occupies the internal and external sports activity time and space greater than the lesson of physical education during the year The study and thus became more interest in it than the lesson of physical education, the teacher bears complete responsibility in the implementation of indoor and outdoor sports activity, the lack of material and moral incentives for teachers executing the indoor and outdoor sports activity,
