The Reality Of Organizational Symmetry As An Introduction To The Development Of Sports Clubs

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education, Helwan Girls

2 Professor of Sports Administration, Department of Sports Management and Recreation, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan Mosque, Cairo

3 Dept. of Sports Management and Recreation, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University, A. R. E.


This study was conducted to identify the reality of organizational symmetry as an entrance to the development of sports clubs. Due to the importance of the subject of organizational symmetry, it was natural that a lot of research and studies should be conducted on it in order to raise the level of organizations, and from this standpoint we will talk about organizational symmetry.

Because one of the most important factors that contribute to the success of institutions and to upgrade their work efficiently and effectively is the one that cares about the human element as a strategic resource that expresses its vitality and interaction by caring for it and achieving its desires and tendencies while creating the appropriate climate for individuals that would create good psychological comfort and establish the concept of symmetry organizational The research was applied on an exploratory sample consisting of (40) sports specialists working in sports clubs, and a basic sample consisting of (120) sports specialists working in sports clubs. The results achieve organizational symmetry as an entry point for the development of sports clubs with a relative weight of (86.38%), which indicates that it has a high degree. One of the most important recommendations is to create similar values ​​between the club and the sports specialists working in it.


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