Effect of an educational program using the Nearpod platform on the performance level of the shot put competition for middle school students

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Theories and Applications of Track and Field Events - Faculty of Physical Education -Benha University


Research objective
The research aims to: identify the effect of an educational program using the Nearpod platform on the performance level of the shot put competition for middle school students, and this is achieved through:
1- The effect of an educational program using the Nearpod platform on the technical and digital performance of the shot put competition.
2- Measuring the impact of using the Nearpod platform on the technical and digital performance of the shot put competition

1- The use of electronically supported educational stations (Nearpod) has a positive, statistically significant effect at the level of 0.05 on the technical and digital performance level of the shot put competition for middle school students.
2- The percentage difference between the averages of the two post-measurements of the two groups (experimental and control) in the technical and digital performance of the shot put competition was in favor of the experimental group due to the higher arithmetic mean of the post-measurement of the experimental group than the control group
3- The size of the effect of the Nearpod platform on the readiness stage was (22.8%), the crawling stage was (40%), the throwing stage was (49.7%) and the balance stage was (17.2%) and for the competition as a whole it was (51.6%). The numerical level (37.3%) and the effect size was very large on learning the shot put competition
