Effect of Tae-Bo Exercises on Some Physiological and Skill Variables in Basketball

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of biological sciences and Sports Health (Division of exercise Physiology)- Faculty of Physical Education for Girls-Helwan University-Egypt.

2 Faculty of Physical Education for Girls Helwan University


Introduction: TAE-BO exercises considered one of the aerobic training methods that develop and improve the elements of physical fitness and physiological efficiency.
objective: The research aims to identify the effect of TAE-BO exercises on body components, aerobic fitness "maximum oxygen consumption, anaerobic capacity, muscular strength and the level of skillful performance of female basketball players."
Methods: The experimental method was used in two equal groups, one experimental (n = 10) and the other control (n = 10) of basketball players, mean: age (21) yrs., weight (66.7) kg, training age (10) yrs, Pre and post measurements were applied for control and experimental groups before and after program application using TAE-BO exercises.
Results: TAE-BO exercises were found to improve the level of skill variables for basketball players, as well as enhanced rates among the level of physiological variables in post-test.
Conclusions: Using TAE-BO exercises within training units in the fitness preparation period for basketball players to develop the level of skillful and physiological performance.
Key words:
TAE-BO Training - Physiological Fitness - VO2max - 20m Multi-Stage Shuttle Run Test - Body Composition


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