Personal problems for rowing coaches

Document Type : Original Article


1 College of Physical Education for Girls،Helwan University

2 College of Physical Education for Girls ،Helwan University

3 College of Physical Education for Girls Helwan University


The importance of this research lies in the fact that it is one of the scientific attempts that serve the sports field and its development, especially in rowing sport, and draws the attention of those in charge of rowing sport coaches to identify their problems, especially personal problems for the importance of improving the level of performance and developing the professional level.
The research aimed to design a questionnaire to identify the personal problems of rowing coaches, and the research community reached (41) who were chosen by the comprehensive method of rowing coaches in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the basic research sample reached (31) coaches with a percentage of (75.61%), and the exploratory sample reached ( 10) Ten coaches were randomly selected from within the research community and outside the main sample, with a rate of (24.39%) of the size of the research community. The researcher used the descriptive approach in its survey style due to its suitability to the nature of the study. The scientific method used the validity of the arbitrators, the validity of the content, and the validity of the internal consistency, and it calculated the stability of the scale using the Alpha Crone-Bach coefficient, and the half-partition between the two parts. SPSS to calculate the following statistical treatments: arithmetic mean (X ̅) standard deviation (S) correlation coefficient (r) Spearman Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and the results reached a questionnaire design N "Personal problems of rowing coaches."
