Constructing a measure of attitudes toward using the Internet

Document Type : Original Article


Helwan University


Constructing a measure of attitudes towards using the Internet

Summary of the research

The importance of this research lies in the fact that it is one of the scientific attempts that serve the sports field and its development, especially in the field of sports psychology, as it is an attempt to find an objective means of measurement. 150) Female students were selected by the intentional method from the students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Helwan University, from the four academic teams in the college. The stability of the scale using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and the half-partition between the two parts. The number of expressions of the scale reached (60) in its final form, after verifying the validity and reliability coefficients. The researcher used the appropriate statistical means. The SPSS program was used to calculate the following statistical treatments: (arithmetic mean (X ̅) standard deviation (S), correlation coefficient (r), Spearman's alpha coefficient, and Cronbach's coefficient).
