The effect of an educational program via Scholigit on the basic skills (partridge - jumping - running) for first graders

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education _ Helwan University


Summary :
The research aims to identify the effect of an educational program using Scholigit on basic motor skills (partridge - jumping - running) in a physical education lesson for first-grade students.aly 'ana tiqniaat altaelim la taqif eind hadi alalat wal'ajhizat bal 'asbahat tartabit bijamie eanasir aleamaliat altaelimiat , fakan liltaqniaat altaelimiat dawruha fi rafe kafa'at aleamaliat altaelimiat min khilal hali alkathir min almushkilat altaelimiat mithl mushkilat altadafuq The study is under study, and the research sample was chosen by the intentional method from the students of the first grade of primary school, and it consisted of (25) students, and the study resulted in the following results:
1- The learning style using the Scholigit program has a positive effect on the level of the experimental group members.
2- The percentage of improvement for the partridge skill was 51.4%. 3- The improvement rate for jumping skill was 89.7%.
4- The improvement rate for running skill was 36.1%.
Keywords: (educational program, Scholigit, basic skills)
