A proposed strategic vision to develop the research plan in the Curriculum and Teaching Department in light of the strategic vision of higher education 2030

Document Type : Original Article


1 31 حى البشاير مدينة 6 أكتوبر

2 Faculty of Physical Education for Boys in Cairo - Helwan University


The importance of benefiting from scientific research lies in solving the problems of society, human development, and improving the quality of life, and this has already happened that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (National Strategy for Higher Education until 2030)
The research aims to develop the research plan in the Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods in the light of the strategic vision of education, the requirements of the sustainable development strategy of the state, the use of the descriptive analytical approach, and the research sample was chosen by the intentional method of scientific theses (Master - PhD) in the Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods, which amounted to 148 scientific theses. The most important conclusions came in the existence of a relative lack of balance between the research fields related to the research plan of the Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods. One of the most important recommendations is the need to conduct such a study at the level of the various scientific departments for scientific research to serve as a guide for the faculty members in the faculties of physical education in Egypt.
