The Activities of Multiple Intelligences as an Introduction to an Educational program on some athletics skills for Primary school pupils in Kuwait

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Physical Education and Sports, College of Basic Education, Kuwait.


The research aimed to identify the impact of the educational program using multiple intelligences activities on some athletics skills for primary school pupils (obstacle run - javelin throw - long jump) and the researcher used the experimental method , the research sample included fifth grade primary pupils in the State of Kuwait, the basic research sample (50) pupils, They were randomly divided into two equal groups, one experimental and the other a control of each (25) students,.and research tools include: Multiple Intelligences Test - Expert Opinion Survey Form on Identifying Traits and Physical Tests Occasion - Expert opinion Survey form on determining the most important athletics skills and appropriate tests - Educational program, The researcher used the following statistical treatments: arithmetic mean - standard deviation - median - torsion coefficient - correlation coefficient Simple - test "T" - equation of % improvement rates.
The most important results were:
1- The educational program using multiple intelligences activities has a positive impact statistically on some athletics skills (obstacle sprint - javelin throw - long jump).
2- The method of learning by commands (the traditional method) has a positive impact on some athletics skills (obstacle sprint - javelin throw - long jump).
3- The superiority of the members of the experimental group statistically significantly over the members of the control group in dimensional measurements in some athletics skills (obstacle sprint - javelin throw - long jump).
