Reality the Cognitive Engagement of Sports Specialists at the Ministry of Youth and Sports

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls in the Island, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt

2 Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University


This study was conducted to identify the reality of cognitive engagement among sports specialists in the Ministry of Youth and Sports, where the researcher used the descriptive approach through preparing a survey. The sample was selected randomly, and it reached a total of (170) sports specialists in the Ministry of Youth and Sports, with (40) sports specialists as an exploratory sample from the research community except the basic sample, and (130) sports specialists as a basic sample. To obtain data, the researcher built a questionnaire designed by the researcher as a tool for data collection. It is represented by me as one of the sports specialists working in the Ministry of Youth and Sports. I invested most of my scientific capabilities and functional experience in working in the Ministry. I understand the importance and status of my job. I strive to apply the policies and procedures of my job. One of the most important recommendations is to pay attention to cognitive engagement of sports specialists in the Ministry of Youth and Sports, so that it makes him believe that his work in the ministry is of great value, and he expects that the experience he has obtained now will contribute greatly to the development of work methods and mechanisms for its diligent implementation.
