The effect of using an electronic blog in learning some rope skills in rhythmic artistic exercises among female students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Tanta University.

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University


This research aims to identify the effect of using an electronic blog in learning some rope skills in rhythmic artistic exercises among students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Tanta University, the researchers used the experimental approach due to its suitability to the nature of the research, the researchers used one of the experimental designs, which is the experimental design of one experimental group by applying the pre- and post-measurements of the group, and the study sample was randomly selected from the first-year students, Faculty of Physical Education, Tanta University, where the number of sample members (24) students by 6% of the original population of the sample, and the number of the survey sample reached (24) female students by 6% of the study population and outside the basic sample to conduct scientific transactions, The most important results were that the use of the electronic code contributed in a positive and effective way to improving the level of skill performance of rope skills in rhythmic technical exercises The use of the electronic blog contributed positively to the opinions and emotional impressions of the experimental group students towards the use of the electronic code in learning some rope skills in rhythmic technical exercises towards the approvers.
