The effect of a proposed booklet using a quick response code on self-efficacy and some squash skills among students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Minya University.

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Minya University


This research aims to identify the effect of a proposed booklet using a quick response code on self-efficacy and some squash skills among students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Minya University, in the academic year 2022/2023 AD, on a sample of (80) eighty students who were divided into two equal and equal groups. The strength of each of them is forty (40) students. The researcher followed the experimental group using a suggested booklet using a quick response code, while the control group followed the “traditional” method of “explanation and model.” The research was implemented over a period of two months in the period from Sunday Corresponding to 3/5/2023 AD until Sunday 4/27/2023 AD. At a rate of two units per week, and the unit time is (120) minutes, meaning (8) eight units per month, equivalent to (16) sixteen units throughout the period of implementation of the experiment.

The researcher concluded that using a proposed booklet using a quick response code contributed positively to developing self-efficacy and some squash skills among students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Minya University (under research .(
The researcher recommends the necessity of expanding the production of booklets supported by the rapid response code, as their importance in the teaching and learning process has become clear, as well as inviting and encouraging those in charge of the educational process in the field of physical education to use these booklets in learning other physical education activities.
