Administrative corruption and its impact on economic growth in sports federations

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of physical education for girls

2 Faculty of Physical Education, Port Said University


Reducing corruption has become a basic condition for achieving political, economic, social, and sporting stability. There are three basic conditions for the economic development process to continue its success, which are “transparency, accountability, and good governance.” These conditions are necessary to reduce corruption and waste of resources, and corruption leads to many negative consequences for economic development, including brain drain. Due to the lack of appreciation and the emergence of nepotism and nepotism in public office positions, the research aims to identify administrative corruption and its impact on economic growth in sports federations. The researchers used the descriptive approach. The research population was selected from a number of (10) sports federations in a deliberate manner and includes selecting a number ( 6) From the individual federations, which are the Federation of (Athletics, Gymnastics, Swimming, Taekwondo, Weightlifting, Gymnastics), a number (3) were chosen from the collective federations, which are the Federation of (Football, Handball, Basketball), and the number (1). Of the other federations, which is (the General Sports Federation for Universities), the total number of members of the boards of directors of these federations included 110 members, and a number of (200) employees of sports federations. The most important results were that the manifestations of administrative corruption in sports federations were paying bribes in tenders, and among the most important The recommendations are necessary (identifying projects that could affect the budget of sports federations, the necessity of developing mechanisms to combat administrative corruption in sports federations.
