Self-evaluation of the level of performance of teaching competencies For Physical Education Teachers in the United Arab Emirates

Document Type : Original Article


1 Helwan university

2 Department of Curriculum & Teaching Methods of Physical Education, Faculty of Physical Education Girls in Cairo, Helwan University

3 Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods - Faculty of Physical Education for Girls in Gezira - Helwan University


Physical education is currently receiving unprecedented attention and support from the state, so there has become an urgent need for a constantly developing teacher to keep pace with the developments of the times. Self-evaluation and the introduction to teaching competencies are considered among the most important modern educational trends in the process of preparing competent teachers so that they can face the rapid changes in this era. Knowledge explosion and educational technology. Therefore, the research aims to identify the level of performance of teaching competencies of physical education teachers in the United Arab Emirates through self-evaluation of teachers and evaluation of mentors. The researchers used the descriptive approach because it suits the nature of the goal and procedures of this research. The research community included physical education mentors as well as physical education teachers in the United Arab Emirates. The researchers chose the research sample intentionally. The size of the basic sample was (3) mentors to evaluate the teachers, who numbered (30), and the exploratory sample reached (20) physical education teachers.

The most important conclusions are the possibility of relying on any of the two methods under study. The most important recommendations are the necessity of training physical education mentors in the United Arab Emirates to use the list of teaching competencies when evaluating and evaluating physical education teachers.


Main Subjects