The role of recreational culture in reducing electronic addiction among middle school students

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sports Administration and Recreation, Faculty of Physical Education, Helwan University


The research aims to study the role of recreational culture in reducing electronic addiction among middle school students. The researcher used the descriptive approach and the research community included middle school schools in the Al Haram Educational Administration of Giza Governorate. They numbered (23) schools with (16,100) students. The research sample was chosen randomly from The research population numbered (300) students from (6) schools, with (50) students from each school. The exploratory study was applied to a sample of (50) students from the research community and from outside the basic sample.

The exploratory study was conducted on a sample of (50) students from the preparatory stage in 6 schools, chosen randomly from the research community and outside the basic research sample, then the basic study, where the researcher applied the two questionnaire forms under study in their final form to the basic research sample, which consisted of (300) students. Most important conclusions:

1- Clarity of the concept of recreational culture among middle school students.

2- One of the most important goals of recreational culture for middle school students is that it gives them a feeling of happiness and psychological satisfaction.

Most important recommendations:

1- The need to conduct studies and research to investigate the types of applications to which school students become addicted.

2- Expedite the enactment of legal legislation criminalizing the marketing and trading of digital drugs to protect society from their dangers.


Main Subjects