An analytical study of common sports injuries in the course of track and field competitions for students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports in Kuwait

Document Type : Original Article


1 , Department of physical Education and Sports، College of Basic Education، Kuwait.

2 Department of Physical Education and Sports, College of Basic Education, Kuwait.


The research aimed to identify the most common injuries for students enrolled in the course of field and track competitions in the Department of Physical Education and Sports in Kuwait, the researchers used the descriptive approach for its suitability to the nature of the research and to achieve the objectives of the research, and the research community consisted of (300) male and female students, the research sample was selected randomly, as it included (120) male and female students, with a percentage of (40.00%), and from the research tools the questionnaire form for common sports injuries, and the researchers used the following statistical treatments: Frequencies - percentages - correlation coefficient - Cronbach's alpha coefficient.
The most important findings were:
1- The most common injuries were (muscle cramps, ligament tears, muscle tears, sprains).
2- The most susceptible sites were (thigh, leg, ankle, knee joint, shoulder joint).
3- The most important causes of injury were (lack of good warm-up, overtraining, Continuity in training when injury occurs).
4- The most important preventive guideline for preventing injuries is to focus on a good warm-up and observe the training load.
5- The need to take the necessary preventive measures to avoid the exposure of players to injuries and give them special courses to prevent injuries and how to deal with them.


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