The effect of recovery massage on some physiological and biochemical variables associated with muscle fatigue for new female students at the College of Physical Education

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education, Girls, Helwan University, Gezira

2 Helwan University, Sports Physiology

3 Helwan University Sports Injuries and Sports Rehabilitation


The research aims to identify the effect of recovery massage on some physiological and biochemical variables associated with muscle fatigue for new female students at the College of Physical Education, and given the importance of the student or athlete getting good recovery as an important necessity to continue the next performance in training and competition, and recent studies are still investigating this direction, The recovery processes that occur after the completion of training or competition are of particular importance, such as the recovery that occurs during the performance of the training itself. Incomplete recovery between periods of training or between the player’s matches leads to a decrease in the ability to perform, and incomplete recovery processes appear in the form of pain in the Muscle and joint pain, tendonitis, with general and continuous mild pain, difficulty sleeping, headaches, and dizziness. We can avoid this the closer we get to the recovery process, and that is what the researcher wants to achieve.
The researcher used the experimental approach using a two-group experimental design, where the first group reached (25) students and the second (reconnaissance) group (5). The research community included new female physical education students, whose number reached (415) students. The researcher surveyed the opinions of experts and specialists in The field of physical education and testing: some physiological variables (vital capacity - respiratory cyclic endurance - oxygen percentage in the blood - muscular endurance)
And biochemical variables (hemoglobin percentage - lactic acid percentage)


Main Subjects