Requirements for restructuring and planning human resources, necessary for foreign direct investment as an entry to achieve the sustainable development of the sports tourism sector in the Arab Republic of Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 College of physical Education for Girls HELWAN UNIVERISTY

2 Department of Sports Management and Recreation College of physical Education for Girls

3 Faculty of toursim hotel helwan university


Human cadres are one of the basic engines of the work of various institutions because of the appropriate conditions to benefit from human and financial resources and others with their work, experience and specializations to work in the field of sports tourism, its moral strength represented in his faith, ethics and human behavior.
The researcher conducted the current study in order to identify the requirements of restructuring and planning the human resources necessary for foreign direct investment as an input to achieve the sustainable development of the sports tourism sector in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The researcher used the descriptive method in the survey and analytical method. The research sample was selected by the random method from the research community. The research community included a number of (150) members, officials and those concerned with sports tourism, by the number of (21) individuals who were selected by his survey and analytical method on a sample of (150) officials and those in sports tourism divided into the number of (120) individuals in the basic sample and the number of (30) members of the survey sample, and a number of (21) individuals from the General Department of Sports Tourism of the Central Department for the Affairs of the Minister's Office and a number of 21 members of the employees of the Central Department


Main Subjects